George H.W. Bush says Obama should refrain from making military threats

And he's right (this time)!
Iranians are suffering quite enough amidst their political turmoil--I mentioned before that the last thing they need is for the U.S. to show favorites.
Iranians have suffered quite enough from a previous U.S. "favorite" dictator (the Shah) who ruled their country with an iron fist for a quarter of a century. The U.S. installed him in full control of Iran after the U.S. overthrew Iran's first democratically elected leader in 1953--Prime Minister Mossadegh. For more on that coup--central to understanding Iranian hostility to U.S. foreign policy--see the Mossadegh Project.
I forgot to mention that even worse would be the United States threatening military action--but of course it is important to remember that there are always folks itching for war with Iran and want to take advantage of this crisis.
But as the Washington Times reports:
Mr. Bush, however, urged that the United States exercise prudence in reacting to the events unfolding in Iran. "They ought to get to the bottom of it," he said. "And without emotion go forward and see if there is something that can be done from outside without inflaming tensions, we don't want to inflame tensions with Iran." He added that President Obama should refrain from making any military threats.
Never thought I’d find myself in agreement with old George W.! But he’s quite right on both counts: (1) Threats (of any sort) would be wrong; even the oppressors are our brothers & sisters, with whom we are called to be reconciled. And (2), all of us outsiders (not just U.S. outsiders) should find useful ways to influence matters.
Showing honest solidarity, not with Mousavi’s party as such, but with whoever is beaten or loses a family member for the cause of righteousness, would be a good start. Offering humanitarian aid to the injured (Tehran’s hospitals are overwhelmed) would mean something. Facilitating communications (and not just Twitter, either) would help. And setting a better example at home (no more rigged elections in the U.S., for example) would add to moral leverage.
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