UN Peacekeeping Day

Today is International Day of UN Peacekeepers, a day to honor the more than 100,000 military and civilian personnel serving in 16 UN peacekeeping missions around the world. From Haiti, to Liberia, to Darfur, to East Timor, UN peacekeepers are restoring peace, protecting civilians and preventing deadly conflict.
The Better World Campaign, one of FCNL's colleague organizations, has set up an email service to thank UN peacekeepers.
But, there is another important way to really thank UN peacekeepers -- make sure they get paid! President Obama has requested $836 million for UN peacekeeping in the war supplemental. These funds would nearly wipe out our debt to the UN.
President Obama has also requested funds to fully meet U.S. obligations for UN peacekeeping and the regular UN budget this year -- which never happened under the Bush Administration.
Check out the State Department's statement on UN peacekeeping day.
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