
Less Money for State Department

As the State Department re-authorization bill, HR 2410, heads to the House floor today, it is worth noting that funding will be tighter at the State Department next year. Yes, that's right, the State Department will receive less money in fiscal year 2010 than received in fiscal year 2009.

This gets a bit dicey, but I will explain. Yesterday, the House Appropriations Committee released it's long-waited 302(b) allocations, or the allocation that each Appropriations Subcommittee will receive for fiscal year 2010 appropriations.

While President Obama requested $53.8 billion for the international affairs budget, the House appropriations committee only allocated $48.8 billion to the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, which receives nearly all funds for the international affairs budget. Not only is this $5 billion less than President Obama requested, but in fact, it means less money will be allocated for diplomacy and development in fiscal year '10.

While just $37 billion was allocated to the State Department in the Fiscal year 2009 regular budget, the two FY 09 Iraq and Afghanistan supplemental funding bills included significant funds for the State Department. In fact, that when these supplemental funds are added to the regular FY 09 budget, total State Department funds for fiscal year 2009 will likely be about $1 billion more than the $48.8 billion doled out for fiscal year 2010 yesterday.

If you didn't understand all the math, here's the take away message. The cash strapped State Department will be more strapped for cash next year.

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