lazy summer days

In case you hadn't noticed by all of the summer reading lists, DC gets pretty empty around August. When I moved here last year, one of the things that surprised me the most was how quiet everything became in the summer. I always knew that Congress took August off, but I had no idea how much that would affect the rest of the city. Offices take shorter hours and study/volunteer groups all go on hiatus. My usually vibrant church seemed particularly empty yesterday with the gospel choir on break and about half of the parishioners gone. I don't remember summers being so quiet for non-students anywhere else that I've lived. For the rest of my life, 'adult summer vacations' will be magical, strange things that I'll associate with Washington, DC.
Because I'm the field intern instead of a lobbying intern, I'm probably not feeling the summer lag quite as much as some of my FCNL colleagues, but the days are still a little quiet. I've been enjoying having more time to work on long term projects, clean off my desk (!) and of course, post on the intern blog. I have to admit, though, that having extra time on our hands can sometimes lead to some mischief for the FCNL interns. This morning, Jr. Intern, Kamala and I had a little too much fun playing with a globe beach ball that we found in the storage room.

However, our office mischief is nothing compared to what our colleagues and friends at the UUA Washington Office Of Advocacy pulled last night. To welcome their new Acting Director (and former intern) Adam to his new position, the interns stayed up all night filling his office with balloons. 580 balloons, to be precise. While certain FCNL interns and former interns have been known pranksters (Sharon, Dan and Nick come to mind) I'm afraid this beats anything I've seen at my time at FCNL. So, FCNL interns, former interns and staff, what's been the best prank that you've seen pulled in the office? Non-FCNL staffers: what's the summer work culture like wherever you are? I hope it's as fun as it is here!
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Labels: interns, Washington
Hmm... it seems that our proximity to Congress has made us just a touch too serious here at FCNL. I've never pulled prank here, but I did think it was funny (if irritating) when Nick and Julia changed my computer setting so that every time I wrote my first name it changed to "Capwiz." I thought I had just been working too hard, writing too much about capwiz!
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