Food: In which I learn how to budget, shop, and eat sustainably

Lately, everyone's been talking at dinner parties. About what, you ask? (Or maybe, "what lame dinners parties did you go to in the past where no one talked?") Two things really: equally zealous discussions of the tastiness of the food we're eating and the implications of where it came from and how it was prepared. Questions of, how can we make what we consume healthy, environmentally friendly, and delicious all at the same time?
This is the first time in my life I've had a kitchen all my own (I had one in my host family's house in Paris, which was often mine alone thanks to divorce and business travel, but I never asked how to turn on the stovetop, and it seemed too late to after several months of "cooking for myself." I did get good at making crepes in the microwave…) and I've recently diversified my focus on food from simply an obsession with restaurants (ask my aunt about the 7 page restaurant guide she was emailed in return for her innocent request for tips on good places to eat in Philadelphia), to an increasingly robust interest in buying high quality ingredients and cooking them in interesting ways.
For young socially conscious Washingtonians, deciding what to eat is a careful balance. As with most people (those who I like to spend time with at least) we are concerned that what we eat is delicious, but are also on pretty tight budgets, and we've inevitably read The Omnivore's Dilemma and are worried about what the food we're putting in our bodies is doing to the environment, the people who harvest it, and the economy. Oh, and also we want to be mildly healthy. Personally, I'm still detoxing from my relatively good but smorgasbord-like college dining experience (My bff Colleen can attest to that aspect of it).
Over the past year, as my grocery shopping and cooking habits have formed, in concert with my boyfriend, who just refuses to go to a certain D.C. farmers' market where $4 heads of lettuce can be found (despite the delicious goat cheese that can also be found there), with those priorities (frugality, delectability, and sustainability) in mind. This is all much to the surprise of my mother, who, a couple of week ago asked me for confirmation that I disliked cooking. Once true mother, but not anymore. Now I sit at work fantasizing about how to achieve food shopping, cooking, and eating perfection.

And how do I prepare all that food? I have to admit, getting used to planning my food consumption and meals has been the biggest (but most rewarding) challenge so far. I especially noticed this in the past week, as Geoff (boyfriend) and I were overcome by the bounty of produce at the market and bought a lot of it! (If anyone wants some of the beet soup I made, let me know… it's delicious and earthy, but I ate it three days in a row, and now I need a little break) I do, however, feel healthier being more deliberate about my food consumption, as well as indulging my cravings once in a while (yes, I am guilty of buying $9 imported mozzarella di bufala least week… but it was delicious, and I paired it with my locally grown tomatoes and cheap-o olive oil from the Safeway!)

So, what have others been doing? I have friends (they are also Friends actually) who started their own garden on the back porch and make their own pickles. I am extremely jealous of those who have the opportunity to garden, what with living on the second floor of a big apartment building. I also know that Dan (who appears on this blog as a contributor) and Julia (who appears in the comments) have given up all meat except "happy meat," ie, animals that were bred and raised humanely.
Well all? What are your food habits? Are you concerned with sustainable eating? Have you always been or did the slow food/omnivore's dilemma wave hit you recently? Or do you think it's all a load of hooey and get all of your food at the supermarket and fast food joints?
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Labels: food, quakers, sustainability
Caroline! What a great post, I'm a little jealous that I didn't think of it myself.
One of my favorite things about my 6-person co-op house is that we have an awesome urban vegetable farm. We had to start the farm all over again when we changed locations, but thanks to some hard work from Alex and Sue it's coming along beautifully and I'm eating more homemade squash than could be believed. We also try to go to farmers markets and for a while were part of a farm share program but I find having veggies that came out of our own garden to be the most meaningful way to get food (not that I personally ever really do anything to grow them... oops!)
I would also say that living with so many other people that share my values has really helped me eat more responsibly. I'm more likely to cook unprocessed foods (since when I cook it's for 6 people instead of one) and I'm a lot more likely to remember to buy local, organic food if I know other people want it, too. Three of us even went vegan last Lent (including former FCNL grants director, Andrew). I had also been vegan for Lent the year before, and it was amazing how much easier (and more meaningful) it was having others go vegan with me.
Argh! I just ate lunch, but now after thinking about all this delicious food I've gotten myself hungry again.
Mmmm... you made me hungry too.. .and it's only 10am! Hours until lunch.
I'm jealous of your urban vegetable garden. What kind of squash is your squash? What other vegetables do you guys grow?
if you're eating local food because it tastes better, that's one thing, but the whole 'food-miles' argument about saving the environment by only eating food grown nearby has been pretty solidly debunked -- see Michael Specter's New Yorker article from a few months back, if you haven't already. additionally, i've never understood why people believe supporting relatively well-off farmers who live nearby is more 'moral' than supporting much poorer farmers in latin america or africa...
Thanks for your comment.
If you've ever seen the produce section of my Safeway you would feel the same way I do about the difference between that and the farmer's market. I did read Michael Specter's article in the New Yorker, and it made me feel much better about my imported mozarella and avocados.
I enjoy shopping at the farmer's market not only because it encourages me to eat more vegetables and cook more creatively, but also because I enjoy supporting small farms, and being in touch with the people who grow my food. The draw of local for me does not have appeal for environmental reasons, but rather for fostering a community. And I recognize that this appeal is mostly emotional, not rational.
The same man checks me out of our farmer's market almost every week, and about a month ago I asked him if there was any cheese. His response? That his daughter hadn't made any for that week because it was too hot. Finally! A connection to my food. It makes me feel good that the farm I buy from is a family affair, and not a huge agri-business.
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