
Torture is a Moral Issue

Torture is not just a national security issue. It's a moral issue.

FCNL has embarked on a campaign with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) to end US-sponsored torture forever. Because we're not just talking about national security, we're talking about human lives and human dignity.

Torture dehumanizes both perpetrators and victims. We, as members of a society whose government has tortured, are also caught up in this web. We are called to take a stand.

Now, we're asking you to take one step to join us.

Ask your meeting or church to endorse a Commission of Inquiry. A Commission of Inquiry would be independent. It would gather the facts and make recommendations about how to ensure that the United States never again engages in torture.

In order to educate your community about the importance of eradicating US-sponsored torture, you could show them the Campaign's 20-minute video, "Ending US-Sponsored Torture Forever." I've included the trailer here.

Torture is a moral issue, and it is always wrong. Help us to spread the word.

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