Snow-cabulary - Focus on the Positive
While these words are mostly negative and certainly do not fit well with FCNL's goals of non-military (or violent) speech - they have helped us express our frustration with the oodles of cold, white, fluff that has descended on the DC metro area.
Being back in the office now and looking out over a sunny and snow covered city though puts this into perspective a bit. Yes - it's a ton of snow and has broken all records for DC snow fall in a single winter - but it's also given this fast-paced, hard-working, sometimes-cut-off Capitol a chance to breath and perhaps reevaluate what's really important. Personally, it's forcing me to remember that all this snow (even when it disrupts the best laid plans) can be fun, and it might even remind us to look for the positive things, through the sometimes 'blinding snow'?
In peace,
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