Take Action: Urge Your Rep. To Support Humane and Fair Immigration Reform
Happy New Year! The turn of the year carries with it a new reason for hope - the chance for Congress to make good on its promise to humanely reform the broken immigration system. With the new year comes new opportunities for us to recommit ourselves to the struggle for justice.
On December 15, Representative Luis Gutierrez (IL) and 91 original cosponsors unveiled the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (H.R. 4321), which proposes reforms for the broken immigration system. The bill would promote family unity, bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows, and uphold immigrants' human and civil rights.
Now it's your turn to act. Send a message to Congress urging your representative to support humane and fair immigration reform. Together we can make 2010 the year that Congress reforms the broken immigration system that disrupts the lives of so many each day.
Looking for more information? Take a look at FCNL's easy-to-read table outlining our position on the bill, or read our press release and blog post about the press conference announcing the bill. For the full text of the bill, click here. And don't forget to contact one or two friends and ask them to send their own letters of support!
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